Trauma therapy and counselling for adult individuals, couples and groups in north and central London, and nationally and internationally via online therapy
Trauma Therapy
Trauma therapy won’t take the experience of trauma away; no one can. But it will help the client lead a healthier life, understand their triggers better and lead a life where they can take charge of the impact of the trauma and most of all hopefully have happier relationships going into the future.
Let’s begin with a definition of trauma. A key definition I’ve taken from the Oxford Dictionary of Psychology reads:
“Trauma: A physical injury or wound, or a powerful psychological shock that has damaging effects.” (2009)
I find this definition all-encompassing having learnt about trauma and the myriad ways in which the people and communities I have worked with have experienced trauma. For over a decade, I feel honoured to have worked with clients who, over time, have trusted me with their trauma narrative.
Trauma therapy provides a place where the client can slowly explore how the trauma has affected their identity, themselves physically, how it affects the important relationships they hold around them and their general sense of well-being.
The work of Babette Rothschild and Bessel van der Kolk, amongst many others, has really shaped my work with trauma clients. Whilst the client reveals their story, it is very important that they can control the pace of telling their experience. I ensure measures are put in place at the beginning of my work with clients, where we can pause and reflect on how telling the story is going for them.
Client testimonials
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