My Gender Queer Journey

Somewhere on my journey in recovery I discovered my Gender Queer Identity.

Gender Queer means a person like me, who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders.

Why now? As I can hear my family say Oy Vey! This idea has been talked about between me and close friends over the last few years and in some way recent positive role models from the Trans* and Queer community coming out, have given me and others within the Trans* and Queer community members permission to speak out and start exploring what being Gender Queer means for them.

I have always seen sexuality as being across a spectrum and always seen myself as a very camp Queer, (or gay man for those easily offended by the word queer). But as someone that was bullied from the age of 8 till I left school at 16, for being initially seen as different, a bit chubby and then for being ‘Queer’, a ‘Faggot’ or a ‘Poof’. I have always self-identified as Queer to make something that could be see as a very negative experience, into something positive.

I have always had a feeling of not being comfortable in my own skin and have been treated by others as a bit strange; a bit like Marmite people tend to love or hate me. I’ve now come to understand that this is not about me, it has taken me many years, but my being Gender Queer challenges them.


ManSize Tissues…


The Story I Must Stop Telling