Chai-Yoel Korn Psychotherapy

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Welcome To The New Year

Welcome to the New Year.

I know, I know, you will be saying ‘Chai-Yoel, it’s nearly February, I am well over the New Year’. For me, my new year resolutions begin in February. The January blues always hit me and the diet goes out of the window. At least this year my motivation to go the gym and to lose a few pounds has thankfully remained.

In the Telegraph in January they discussed New Year Resolutions and did an interview with Mark Griffiths, a Professor of Behavioural Addiction at Nottingham Trent University, he suggested that January is far too early in the year to look at resolutions in terms of success or failure. “Do things gradually. For instance, if you want to cut down alcohol, you don’t need to do it all at once. Try not having a drink once a week, then every third day and so on. You’re far more likely to have success if you do it in little chunks”. Useful advice for us all. I also try to visualise what I want life to look like in six-months. I also find telling friends about my resolutions, so they can give me a push, helps! You need to do what works for you and counselling can support you look at what it is getting in your way.

2017 is going to be a good year of new possibilities coming our way, I can feel it in my bones.

This year I am looking forward to building my networks and am excited to launch the following new services: Trauma Therapy, Supervision, Training and Consultancy. I look forward to being one of the In-House Counsellors at North London YMCA, and do watch this space more information to follow.

My year in Birmingham last year made one thing clear to me, London is where my heart belongs. So, I’m back and looking forward to speaking to you. Despite what is going on in the world of politics and some interesting choices with regards to our world leaders, there is always hope, don’t despair and Chai-Yoel Korn Psychotherapy is only a phone call or email away.