Chai-Yoel Korn Psychotherapy

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Big News! Announcing: Chai-Yoel Korn New Website

I am thrilled to unveil my new website.

The updates show the development of my practice since its founding in 2010. This significant change has come since changing my legal name last year and coming at a time in my life where I need to put a more authentic me, the whole of me, into the world. I hope you find the new website accessible, energising, creative, mindful, and warm. These are the important parts of my personality that you will experience in our work together.

The core beliefs behind the services I offer haven’t changed in the last 11 years.

Through my practice with clients, continued professional development and life experience these have only got stronger with time and developing a healthy consciousness.

These core beliefs are:

  • Access

    I believe that the services I offer should continue to remain accessible to those from more marginalised parts of our community and from poorer backgrounds. If I can’t help a client, I will suggest alternative options.

  • Creative working

    I believe in working creatively and collaboratively with my clients. I now believe that the pressure at times of putting words to our feelings sometimes gets in the way of us being able to build resilience and cope with our experience of our emotions. I like to work creatively integrating body work, creative writing, mindfulness, and art materials.

  • Diversity and intersectionality

    Respecting and valuing diversity, and using an intersectional approach is at the core of my work and training background. Building our awareness of intersectionality is to our advantage, as we can then work towards acknowledging and grounding the differences and privileges among us.

  • Ethics

    Working ethically is in the mind, body and soul of my work. I continue to be an accredited member of the National Counselling Society and am currently completing my Mindfulness Teacher Training to be an Accredited Teacher. I continue to use clinical supervision and continued professional development to recognise my blind spots and to continue to offer you a good service.

  • Pride

    I have pride in the work I do with my clients. I am grateful for the training and life experience that has allowed me to do this work and the good impact I can have on other peoples lives. When negotiating the fee with a client, the competitive fee is based on the training I have had to do and the lifetime of experience and knowledge I bring to the work.

  • Relationship

    I continue to believe that the relationship between me and the client or clients is the key to good outcome in the therapies, the expert speaking, training and groupwork I offer.

Here is hoping and praying that we are working towards having Covid-19 under control.

Coming out of lockdown or to whatever the ‘new normal’ looks like, has never made looking after and valuing our health and well-being more important. Never have the services I offer been more important. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing how I can best support you, or even collaborate and work on projects together.

I hope you enjoy looking around my new website.

If you live with additional support or learning needs, I would be particularly interested to get your feedback to ensure my services remain accessible to all. Do feel free to contact me with any feedback about the website or use the contact section if you are interested in any of my services or interested in working collaboratively on any future projects. I look forward to hearing from you.

And finally, I want to say a huge thank-you to Mary-Marcella Sykes from Marcella Design for all the hard work you have done.